Toshiba: Ontology-based TV Navigation System featuring Touch Graph:
Our novel graph interface quickly guides you to your favorite TV
programs by simply browsing the web of the programs.
Ontologies automatically create bi-directional links between the
programs according to their content descriptions.
Please stop by our booth to feel a new user experience for our
brand new high-resolution TV!
Springer: Take your research and skills to the next level with Springer. Stop by
our booth to discover an authoritative range of books and journals in
AAMAS. Save 20% on all titles.
Wed: 8 am - 5 pm
Thurs: 8 am - 5 pm
Fri: 8 am - 12 noon
Location: near registration
21st Century Systems:
Through the use of "intelligent agents", 21CSI's computer-based decision
support systems are able to adapt, respond and learn from individual users
under a variety of operational situations. 21CSI's unique technologies have
been applied successfully across many mission- and life-critical
environments, and cover a wide spectrum of user requirements.
From satellites in space, to Soldiers and Marines in the field, to
submarines and undersea systems reaching the ocean floor,
21CSI represents the pinnacle of a new breed of
U.S. and international high-technology research and development leaders
offering superior expertise in cutting-edge, field tested technologies to a
growing military and commercial customer base.
Exhibitor Information
Exhibitors will be provided with one 4 by 8 foot table and several chairs.
The exhibit hours are planned as follows:
10 am - 5 pm on Wed and Thurs (you may choose to display only part of that time)
The location has yet to be finalized. We're planning on having them near the internet, demo, poster and break areas (3rd floor of Hawaii Convention Center).
If you would like material to be added to attendee bags, please send it to arrive at least one week in advance (May 4, address below)
Please feel free to contact me if you have questions, or if you want to request additional items.
Thank you again for your support of AAMAS 2007!
Best Regards,
-Nancy Reed, local arrangements committee
shipping address:
Prof. Nancy Reed,
University of Hawaii
Info. & Computer Sciences Dept.
317 POST Bldg
1680 East-West Road,
Honolulu, HI 96822 USA
nreed (at) hawaii.edu
if you need a phone number for delivery:
my Phone: (808) 956-8498,
ICS dept phone (808) 956-7420
ICS dept fax: (808) 956-3548