You are cordially invited
participate in the 2007 International Conference on Autonomous Agents and
Multiagent Systems, to be held May 14-18, 2007 at the
Hawaii Convention Center in Honolulu, Hawai'i. |
is the premier scientific conference for research in autonomous agents and
multiagent systems. The AAMAS conference series was initiated in 2002 as a
merger of three highly respected individual conferences: the International
Conference on Autonomous Agents, the International Workshop on Agent
Theories, Architectures, and Languages, and the International Conference on
Multi-Agent Systems. |
In Memoriam It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Jay Modi on
April 9. He was an outstanding researcher and scholar, and an active
and highly valued member of the AAMAS community. A memorial is being
planned for AAMAS-2007, and information will be posted here as plans develop.
New! |
Thanks to all the attendees, organizers and participants of AAMAS 2007
for your help, support, and hard work in
making this conference a success!
We had a total of 515 participants from 34 countries and
regions. This includes 277 regular
attendees, 205 student attendees, and 33
workshop/tutorial-only participants.
Here is a link to the AAMAS opening
slides. This includes Best Paper
candidates, acceptance rates, and the
number of submissions.
(March 20, 2007) Sarit Kraus receives ACM/SIGART Autonomous Agents Research Award 2007
The selection committee for the ACM/SIGART Autonomous Agents Research
Award is pleased to announce that Prof Sarit Kraus, of Bar-Ilan
University, Israel, is the recipient of the 2007 award. Prof Kraus is
well known for her work on formal models of multi-agent systems. In
particular, she pioneered the development of techniques for
computational negotiation, automated coalition formation, cooperative
search, and the logical formalization of cooperation and multi-agent
shared plans. She has also made significant and lasting contributions
to the wider field of AI, in areas such as search and non-monotonic
reasoning. (more ...)
(March 13, 2007) The IFAAMAS Board is delighted to announce the winners of the Influential Paper Award for 2007. We received a good number of
nominations from the Community this year and it was a difficult choice.
Nevertheless we believe we have selected 3 outstanding papers:
J. S. Rosenschein and M. R. Genesereth (1985)
"Deals Among Rational Agents"
The Ninth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Los
Angeles, California, August 1985, pages 91-99.
A. Rao and M. Georgeff (1991)
"Modelling rational agents within a BDI-architecture"
Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Principles of
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR'91) pp.473-484.
B. J. Grosz and S. Kraus (1996)
"Collaborative Plans for Complex Group Actions" Artificial Intelligence
86, pages 269-358.
The awards will be presented at AAMAS-07
(March 5, 2007) The deadline to apply for student scholarships is tomorrow.
(February 2, 2007) Information about hotels and lodging is now
(January 23, 2007)
Instructions for the
preparation of camera-ready copy are now available.
(January 8, 2007) Information on
student scholarships is now available!
(November 2, 2006)
Nominations for the 2007 IFAAMAS Award for Influential Papers in Agents and
Multi-Agent Systems are now being accepted!
(May 12, 2006) Click here for a
copy of the PowerPoint invitation to AAMAS 2007 that was presented at the
end of AAMAS 2006!
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