Doctoral Mentoring Program
May 13, 2007
In conjunction with:The Sixth International Joint Conference on
Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, May 14-18, 2007
AAMAS 2007 will include a doctoral mentoring program, intended for PhD students. This program will provide an opportunity for students to interact closely with established researchers in their fields, to receive feedback on their work and to get advice on managing their careers.
Specifically, the goals of the program are:
To match each student with an established researcher in the community (who will act as a mentor). The mentor will interact closely with the student, will provide feedback on research, help form new contacts, etc.
To allow students an opportunity to present their work to a friendly audience of other students as well as mentors.
To provide students with contacts and professional networking opportunities.
The doctoral mentoring program will consist of opportunities for interactions between mentors and their mentorees prior to the conference, as well as a one day doctoral symposium.
Accepted Entries
Group 1 (mentors: Maria Gini, Kate Larson):
- Jaesek Ahn, University of Texas, USA
- Reyhan Aydogan, Bogazici University, Turkey
- Brent Eskridge, University of Oklahoma, USA
- Andrew Gilpin, Carnegie Mellon University, USA
- Mattijs Ghijsen, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
- Sebastian Stein, University of Southampton, UK
- Matthew Taylor, University of Texas, USA
- Jie Zhang, University of Waterloo, Canada
- Inon Zuckerman, Bar Ilan University, Israel
Group 2 (mentors: Toru Ishida, Iyad Rahwan):
- Hojjat Ghaderi, University of Toronto, Canada
- Chris Jones, University of Texas, USA
- Sachin Kamboj, University of Delaware, USA
- Kiran Lakkaraju, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, USA
- Raz Lin, Bar Ilan University, Israel
- Antonio, Lopes, ISCTE, Portugal
- Murat Sensoy, Bogazici University, Turkey
- Mandeep Singh Multani, Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany
The full proceedings can be found here in PDF format.
The program will take place in two rooms: "Pakalana" and "Anthurium" in the "Ala Moana Hotel" (the main conference hotel). Coffee and lunch will be provided.
- 09:00 Welcome
- 09:05-10:35 Session I (3 Students from each group)
- 10:35-11:00 Coffee break
- 11:00-12:00 Invited Talk: "Lessons from a Recent Graduate", by:
- 12:00-01:15 Lunch (provided)
- 01:15-02:45 Session II (3 Students from each group)
- 02:45-03:15 Coffee Break
- 03:15-04:45 Session III (3 Students from group 1; and 2 students from group 2)
- 04:45-04:40 Wrap Up
Important Dates
February 16, 2007: Submission package due
March 2, 2007: Notification of acceptance
March 23, 2007: Camera-ready copy due
May 13, 2007: Doctoral mentoring symposium
Note that the one-day symposium will be held the day before the workshops and tutorials. This is so that students will be able to fully participate in all conference programs.
The proceedings of the Doctoral Mentoring Symposium will not be published as part of the AAMAS 2007 proceedings. However, they will be printed locally and disseminated among participants.
Doctoral Mentoring Chairs
Kate Larson ( )
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
Waterloo, Ontario, Canada
Iyad Rahwan ( )
Institute of Informatics
British University in Dubai
P.O.Box 502216, Dubai
United Arab Emirates
(Fellow) School of Informatics
University of Edinburgh
Edinburgh, EH8 9LE