(Note: Submissions for regular conference papers are now closed.)
Please submit all paper submissions via the ConfMaster website. Instructions can be found below.
Instructions for the Submission of Conference Paper Submissions.
Submitted papers should be formatted according to ACM specifications. ACM style guides, as well as templates and style sheets for Microsoft Word, WordPerfect, and LaTeX can be found here.
If the primary author of the paper is a student, authors should specify this in a footnote on the opening page, so that the paper can be considered for the best student paper award. If the paper describes an implemented prototype and a demonstration will be provided to the conference if the paper is accepted, authors should specify this in a footnote on the opening page ("A demonstration of this system will be available to be shown at the conference"), so that the paper can be appropriately considered. Papers must be no longer than 8 pages, including figures and references, when formatted using the specified style. Papers should be formatted for standard Letter paper size. (i.e. not A4) Overlength papers will be rejected. Notification of receipt of the electronic paper will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) soon after receipt.
Submission Instructions
Note also that the electronic submission site is likely to be very busy around the paper submission deadline. You are strongly urged to submit your paper as far in advance of the deadline as possible.
First Step: Electronic Abstract Submission
Authors are required to register their submission. (You may also register by rolling over Attend Conference in the top menu and select registration). A login and password will be sent to the author in a subsequent email message. Using this login and password authors should login to the ConfMaster software to fill in the electronic abstract form containing an abstract of less than 200 words, the title, authors and keywords of the papers. We require you to do this step before October 20, 2006 at 11:59 pm Hawaii time.
Second Step: Paper Submission
After (or at the same time) the electronic abstract submission is made, authors are required to submit their electronic papers. To do so, log into the system again using the same login and password given when registered as an author. The only formats allowed for electronic submission are PostScript or PDF (Adobe's Portable Document Format). Papers will not be accepted in any other format (e.g., MS Word) because of compatibility problems between software versions, machines, and nationalities. However, we strongly encourage the submission in PDF format. We cannot accept title pages or papers submitted by e-mail or FAX. Electronic paper submissions must arrive no later than
October 23, 2006, midnight -Hawaii time - Submissions received after this date will not be considered for review.
You can upload your paper at any time, and you can re-upload your paper any time before the submission deadline. To do this, login to the Conference Paper Submission site and click, in the right hand column, on "view own papers". A list of papers you have registered will appear. On the EXTREME RIGHT HAND side of the web page (you may need to scroll the window to the right to see it), there are two "floppy disk" icons. The left one (with an up arrow) is to upload (or re-upload a new version) of your paper. The right one (with a down arrow) is to download the latest version held by the Conference Paper Submission site.
To facilitate the reviewing process, authors will be required to choose one or more appropriate content area keywords from the list below, which will be part of the online paper registration form.
List of Area Keywords
* agents and complex systems
* agent architectures; perception, action and planning in agents
* agents and cognitive models
* agents and networks (semantic web, grid)
* agent-based deployed applications
* agent communication languages and protocols
* agent-mediated electronic commerce
* agent oriented software engineering
* agent programming languages and environments
* artificial social systems: conventions, norms, institutions, trust and reputation; privacy and security
* autonomous robots and robot teams
* coalition formation; teamwork; coordination; middle agents; mechanism design
* evolution, adaptation and learning
* logics & formal models of agency and multiagent systems; computational complexity
* mobile agents
* multi-agent simulation & modeling
* negotiation and argumentation
* ontologies for agents
* scalability and performance issues: robustness, fault tolerance and dependability
* synthetic agents: human-like, lifelike, and believable qualities
* theories of agency and autonomy
Blind Review
AAMAS-07 will be blind reviewed. In order to make blind reviewing possible, authors should omit their names and affiliations from the paper. In place of their names and affiliations, they should provide the tracking number of the paper (ie the number that is assigned to the paper by the ConfMaster system when the paper is registered). Also, while the references should include all published literature relevant to the paper, including previous works of the authors, it should not include unpublished works. When referring to one's own work, use the third person rather than the first person. For example, say "Previously, Lesser [7] has shown that...", rather than "In our previous work [7] we have shown that...." Avoid including any information in the body of the paper or references that would identify the authors or their institutions. Such information can be added to the final camera-ready version for publication.
Policy on Multiple Submissions
AAMAS-07 will not accept any paper which, at the time of submission, is under review for or has already been published or accepted for publication in a journal or another conference. Authors are also expected not to submit their papers elsewhere during the AAMAS review period. These restrictions apply only to journals and conferences, not to workshops and similar specialized presentations with a limited audience and no formal proceedings.
Review Process
A Senior Program Committee member will be in charge of supervising the review process of each paper. Three Program Committee members will review each paper. Selection criteria include accuracy and originality of ideas, clarity and significance of results and quality of the presentation. The decision of the Program Committee Chairs will be final and cannot be appealed. Papers selected will be scheduled for presentation and will be printed in the Proceedings. Some papers will also be selected for Poster presentation and will be allocated 2 pages in the Proceedings.
Notification of acceptance or rejection of submitted papers will be mailed to the first author (or designated author) by December 19, 2006. Note that at least one author of each accepted paper is required to register and to attend the conference to present the work.