
The deadline for camera ready is February 4, 2011. Please send any queries regarding camera-ready submission to aamas-pubs@inf.ed.ac.uk.
Copyright Form
Do not forget to sign and return the copyright form (download the PDF or DOC). Your paper cannot be published in the proceedings if we have not received a signed copy of the copyright form for it. Please note that one form is needed for each paper – if you are the principal author of more than one paper you will have to fill in one form for each of your papers.
Signed forms should be scanned and emailed to aamas-pubs@inf.ed.ac.uk by Frebruary 4, 2011. To be processed correctly, the subject of the email should contain the paper ID you have been assigned upon initial registration of the paper on ConfMaster.
If you are unable to email us a scanned and signed copy please fax a signed paper copy to Dr Michael Rovatsos, +44 (0) 131 650 6899. In this case, please also send a short email to aamas-pubs@inf.ed.ac.uk notifying us that you are faxing your copyright form.
Formatting Instructions
The page limit for camera ready full papers is 8 pages, and for extended abstracts, 2 pages. Extended abstracts should be designated with the subtitle ‘(Extended Abstract)’ and with a corresponding note in the copyright slug.
There are different style files for the general Main Track and the Innovative Applications Track:
Note that the Latex style files and Word templates have been updated since the submission, so please make that you use these one. Furthermore, please ensure that your final PDF file is US letter size (8.5 x 11 inches), that the title and author information in the copyright slug is correct, and that there are no page numbers.
Mandatory Sections
The mandatory sections of the ACM styles are also mandatory for camera ready versions of accepted AAMAS 2011 papers. According to ACM: "these index terms effect the ease and accuracy of retrieval within the Digital Library which ultimately benefits authors by allowing for greater distribution of their work". Thus, although it may not be trivial to find the appropriate classification information, you should make an effort filling these sections:
- Categories and Subject Descriptors: Details of the ACM Computing Classification Scheme are available here here.
- General Terms: This section is limited to the following 16 terms: Algorithms, Management, Measurement, Documentation, Performance, Design, Economics, Reliability, Experimentation, Security, Human Factors, Standardization, Languages, Theory, Legal Aspects, Verification.
- Keywords: This section is your choice of terms you would like to be indexed by, taken from this list.
Camera-ready versions of your papers should be emailed to aamas-pubs@inf.ed.ac.uk. Please include the paper ID you have been assigned upon initial registration of the paper in ConfMaster in the subject line of the email. |