
AAMAS 2011 seeks high-quality submissions of full papers, limited to 8 pages in length. Submissions will be rigorously peer reviewed and evaluated on the basis of originality, soundness, significance, presentation, understanding of the state of the art, and overall quality of their technical contribution. Reviews will be double blind; authors must avoid including anything that can be used to identify them. Please note submitting an abstract is required to submit a full paper. However, the abstracts will not be reviewed and full (8 page) papers must be submitted for the review process to start. All work must be original (must not have appeared in a conference proceedings, book, or journal).
Submission Instructions
To register and submit your paper (in pdf format), please go to the submission website: http://aamas2011.confmaster.net and follow the instructions. Please keep in mind that you must submit an abstract by October 7, 2010 to be able to upload your paper (abstract submission is required to submit a paper, but abstracts will NOT be reviewed). The abstract and paper submissions close at 11:59 PM Hawaii Standard Time (HST = GMT - 10:00) on Oct 7 and Oct 13 respectively.
If any substantial part of your work appeared previously, please provide the citation and a one sentence description of the differences in the box provided. It is OK to submit work that has previously appeared in a workshop (without an associated archival publication). For such papers simply fill in the paper and workshop info. For papers that build on earlier work that appeared in an archival publication, please provide the citation and a one sentence description of the key advances/differences. This information will be kept from the reviewers to ensure a double-blind review and will only be used by the program chairs.
Formatting Instructions
The page limit for AAMAS 2011 submissions is 8 pages. The format follows the ACM proceedings guidelines and consists of balanced double columns, 9 pt text, 1" (2.54cm) margins top and bottom, and 0.75" (1.9cm) margins left and right. Each column is 3.33" (8.45cm) wide with a separation of 0.33" (0.83cm). Here are the Latex style file aamas2011.cls (see this example for its usage) and word template to help in formatting your paper.
To ensure the effectiveness of the double-blind review process, make sure to put paper numbers (provided upon paper registration) instead of author names. In addition, please ensure that any references to your own previous work is made in a way that does not disclose author identity (for example, instead of "in previous work, we have shown X [ref]" use "X was shown in [ref]"). In some cases where the work is clearly a continuation of your earlier work, you may consider removing citations to your own work until the final version (for example, "we have shown X [ref]" where [ref]= "Anonymous, 200X").
Mandatory Sections
The mandatory sections of the ACM styles are also mandatory for AAMAS 2011 submissions. Not only will these sections help select the reviewers, but according to ACM: "these index terms effect the ease and accuracy of retrieval within the Digital Library which ultimately benefits authors by allowing for greater distribution of their work". Thus, although it may not be trivial to find the appropriate classification information, you should make an effort filling these sections:
- Categories and Subject Descriptors: Details of the ACM Computing Classification Scheme are available at http://www.acm.org/about/class/1998/
- General Terms: This section is limited to the following 16 terms: Algorithms, Management, Measurement, Documentation, Performance, Design, Economics, Reliability, Experimentation, Security, Human Factors, Standardization, Languages, Theory, Legal Aspects, Verification.
- Keywords: This section is your choice of terms you would like to be indexed by. Please refer to the Call for Paper page for a list of keywords.